You need to pick proper exe for your OS version (32-bit or 64-bit) and your game version (currently 2.00). NOTE: You will have to redo this after every ARMA 3 update as every update will replace exe. This will automatically download newest performance exe once they are available.

However this not mean they will not cause issues on different configurations or different PCs. Important: Advice given by author in this guide were personally tested by him and are used by him. In my case all mods I use are reducing performance by 20fps (!) when compared to vanilla. Mods also reduce performance, so if you use many mods you should disable them one by one, check which one reduces performance the most and then decide if it's really worth to use it. ARMA puts 90-95% of work on one thread, so what you need the most to get good FPS is CPU with high IPC and high clocks. However don't expect miracles, in ARMA limiting factor in 99% of cases is CPU. In this guide I'm going to show you how to really improve performance.

If you set them manually you are just overriding something that was set correctly anyway. Let's start with basic info: setting cpuCount, exThreads or most other parameters does nothing, they are correctly recognized and set by ARMA on it's own (and exThreads overrides cpuCount anyway, so if someone says to set both then you know how much he knows about optimizing ARMA ) ).